Bahaar’s Sanctum

Phase 1

Phase 1 has about 5 billion HP, but the boss progresses to Phase 2 once you lower it to 20%. The Phase 2 attacks are all the same as Phase 1, just some added fun to look out for.

Basic Attacks

Hammer Drop

Bahaar’s first and most common basic attack is to drop the head of his hammer on you which is blockable (see left). If the hammer glows, he will follow this with a Right Hand Smash that isn’t blockable but is iframeable (see right). If it stays glowing, he will follow this with a Back Smash that is blockable and iframeable (see bottom left). If it stays glowing, he will follow this with a Front Dunk that isn’t blockable but is iframeable (see bottom right). He can go on to do additional Back Smashes and Front Dunks for as long as the hammer remains glowing (see rest). Failure to dodge a Front Dunk will result in a knockdown.

Hammer Toss

The second basic attack is a Hammer Toss to the rear that is blockable and iframeable (see left). This will stun if you get hit. If the hammer glows, he will follow this with a Back Smash that is blockable and iframeable (see right).

Left Hand Drag

Bahaar’s third basic attack is the Left Hand Drag. This has a very similar windup to the Spin attack in phase 1, but an experienced player will be able to tell the difference. This attack starts with a Left Hand Smash which is blockable and iframeable (see left). This is always followed by a Left Hand Drag which is blockable but not iframeable (Tanks need to turn their camera 180 in order to block this, or use skills with frontal block backwards). Failure to avoid a Drag will result in a knockdown. If the hammer glows, he will follow this with a Back Smash that is blockable and iframeable (see right). If it stays glowing, he will follow this with a Front Dunk that is iframeable but not blockable (see below).

Special Attacks


The first Special Attack is a 360 spin that has a similar windup to the Left Hand Drag. This is iframeable but not blockable. Any shield (Kaia’s, Thrall of Protection etc) will greatly reduce the damage of the spin. Failure to avoid the Spin will result in a knockdown.


The other main Special Attack in Phase 1 is the wave attack. Bahaar begins by stomping a foot twice. He then casts four semi-circular waves on alternating sides, starting with the side he stomps. The waves are not iframeable and not blockable. In Phase 1, they are face-tankable with damage reduction skills. The waves overlap by 2-3m, so it is difficult to walk them (unless maxed movespeed) and so movement skills are required to navigate them. The two possible patterns are shown below (right stomp on right, left stomp on left):

Hammer Throw

Bahaar has a ranged check, a special attack he does if anyone is more than 8m away from the boss. Hence, always try to stay near the boss to avoid triggering this. Bahaar turns to the culprit and throws his hammer at them. If he picks up the hammer with his right hand, he follows this with an outer Donut. If he picks up the hammer with his left hand, he will summon it back to him and Crush a large AoE in front of him. (no gifs of this for Phase 1, you can look at Phase 2 for them). The Hammer Throw is iframeable, but the Donut and Crush are neither iframeable nor blockable.

Phase 2

Phase 2 of Bahaar has about 15 billion HP. At 30% HP, Bahaar becomes permanently enraged and starts a 5 minute timer. If Bahaar isn’t killed within the time limit, he will wipe the party once he finishes his current attack.

The main difficulty in Phase 2 is that when Bahaar is enraged, his attacks do significantly more damage and will often one-shot even Heroic Oath geared players. 


Enrage Buff

When Bahaar enrages, he gains the Bahaar’s Rage buff on the left for 15 seconds. If a certain amount of damage (seems to be around 100-200 million) is dealt to him within this duration, is transforms into the Bahaar’s Wrath buff on the right, which grants Bahaar a 20% power buff, but reduces his endurance by 15% (additive to healer/tank/valk debuffs). This buff will stay for the remainder of the enrage. When re-enraging Bahaar, make sure to re-enrage while the transformed buff is active to avoid having to burn an extra 100-200 mil damage. Below 30%, Bahaar permanently enrages and permanently has the transformed buff.

Wipe Buff

Every time Bahaar is lowered below 30%, he gains a stack of the Scorching Vengeance buff shown below. This buff persists even if you wipe the boss. At 10 stacks, Bahaar gains a huge attack speed, endurance and power Bahaar’s Revenge buff and is effectively impossible to kill. This forces a full reset of the instance. This means there is no point engaging Bahaar when he has 9 stacks, as reducing him to 30% will apply the 10th stack forcing a wipe.

Basic Attacks

Hammer Drop

The non-enrage Hammer Drop is identical to Phase 1 Hammer Drop, as you can tell from the gifs below. Bahaar starts off dropping the head of his hammer on you which is blockable (see left). If the hammer glows, he will follow this with a Right Hand Smash that isn’t blockable but is iframeable (see right). If it stays glowing, he will follow this with a Back Smash that is blockable and iframeable (see middle left). If it stays glowing, he will follow this with a Front Dunk that isn’t blockable but is iframeable (see middle right). Failure to avoid the Front Dunk will result in a knockdown (if you survive). He can go on to do additional Back Smashes and Front Dunks for as long as the hammer remains glowing (see rest).

When enraged, the Hammer Drop becomes Right Hand Drag

Right Hand Drag

This is the enraged form of Hammer Drop. Bahaar starts by dropping his hammer as normal (blockable). If his hammer is glowing, he then does a Right Hand Smash which is iframeable but not blockable. He then does a Right Hand Drag which is blockable but not iframeable (Tanks need to turn their camera 180 in order to block this, or use skills with frontal block backwards). Failure to avoid the Drag will result in a knockdown (if you survive). If the hammer glows, he will follow this with a Front Dunk that is iframeable but not blockable (see right). If it stays glowing,he will follow this with a Back Smash that is blockable and iframeable, and then an additional Front Dunk (see below).

Hilt Attack

Bahaar has a basic attack which is meant to test your skill as a Tank, called the Hilt Attack. Bahaar will wind up then hit you with the hilt of his hammer. This attack is not iframeable, so the Tank must block it. The only catch is that normal blocks will bleed a lot damage from this attack (and likely one-shot). Perfect Blocking this attack will make it deal greatly reduced damage and prevent being one-shot (Zerk tank doesn’t have a Perfect Block so they can’t Tank Bahaar properly). During enrage, Bahaar will always have a short delay during the windup of the Hilt Attack, and will do a double Hilt Attack.

Hammer Toss

The second basic attack is a Hammer Toss to the rear that is blockable and iframeable, and will stun if you get hit. If the hammer does not glow, Bahaar will follow this with a Hilt Attack which the tank must Perfect Block to take reduced damage from (see left). The Hilt Attack is not iframeable, and will likely one-shot if you normal block. If Bahaar is enraged, he will do a double Hilt Attack instead of a single (see right). If the hammer glows during the Hammer Toss, he will instead follow this with a Back Smash that is blockable and iframeable (see below).

Left Hand Drag

Left Hand Drag in Phase 2 is very similar to Phase 1. This attack starts with a Left Hand Smash which is blockable and iframeable (see left). As this has a large AoE that extends behind the boss, melee dps and healers should make sure to dodge this. This is always followed by a Left Hand Drag which is blockable but not iframeable (Tanks need to turn their camera 180 in order to block this, or use skills with frontal block backwards). Failure to avoid the Drag will result in a knockdown (if you survive). If the hammer glows, he will follow this with a Back Smash that is blockable and iframeable (see right). If it stays glowing, he will follow this with a Front Dunk that is iframeable but not blockable (see middle left). He can go on to do additional Back Smashes and Front Dunks for as long as the hammer remains glowing (see rest).

Special Attacks

Spin Combo

In Phase 2, the Spin is the final attack of a 4-part combo. Bahaar starts with a weak Right Hand Smash, which is blockable. He then follows this with a weak 270 degree Spin (safe spot in back left quadrant) which is blockable and iframeable. This is followed by a stronger Right Hand Smash which isn’t blockable, but is iframeable. Bahaar finishes the combo with the Spin, which is iframeable but not blockable. As in Phase 1, the damage dealt by Spin can be greatly reduced by any shields. Failure to avoid the Spin will result in a knockdown (if you survive).


Bahaar begins by stomping a foot twice. He then casts four semi-circular waves on alternating sides, starting with the side he stomps. The waves are not iframeable and not blockable. In Phase 2, the non-enraged waves are face-tankable with damage reduction skills, but the enraged waves deal very heavy damage. The waves are the same speed enraged and non-enraged. The waves overlap by 2-3m, so it is difficult to walk them (unless maxed movespeed) and so movement skills are required to navigate them. Below 60% HP, Bahaar will make one of two statements as he begins stomping. ‘Scream, you weaklings! Those will be your last words.’ means that the second wave will be faster than normal (bottom left). ‘I…am…the Fire Lord!’ means that the third wave will be faster than normal (bottom right). After the waves, Bahaar does an outer Donut that will push away anyone more than 10m away (likely ending up in the fire). If anyone gets hit by the outer Donut or outranges the Wave, Bahaar will say ‘I shall not tolerate such disrespect!’ and do an instant Front Dunk on the culprit. The four of the six possible patterns are shown below (right stomp on right, left stomp on left):

Hammer Throw

Bahaar has a ranged check, a special attack he does if anyone is more than 8m away from the boss. Hence, always try to stay near the boss to avoid triggering this. Bahaar turns to the culprit and throws his hammer at them. If he picks up the hammer with his right hand, he follows this with an outer Donut, and then a series of Expanding Donuts (see left). If he picks up the hammer with his left hand, he will summon it back to him and Crush a large AoE in front of him, and then finish of with an Eviscerate which will knockup if hit (see right). None of this is iframeable (except for the starting Hammer Throw) or blockable.

Res Bait

Using Resurrection in Phase 2 will trigger Bahaar to attack you. Bahaar will either do a Front Dunk (if hammer is in right hand) which is iframeable but not blockable, or an Eviscerate (if hammer is in left hand) blockable but not iframeable. The Eviscerate is delayed if non-enraged, but instant in enrage. If you are an experienced Tank, you can greatly aid you healer if you use a Scroll of Resurrection whenever a party member dies. This will trigger the attack on you so that your healer can resurrect the party member safely, and avoid turning the boss. You can also use this to reposition the boss (make sure that it does Dunk and not Eviscerate). Failure to avoid the Dunk will result in a knockdown (if you survive). Failure to avoid the Eviscerate will result in a knockup (if you survive).


Below 90%, Bahaar will begin spawning skeletons (see left). These cannot normally be killed, and will walk slowly to the edge of the room. On reaching the fire, they will glow red and empower, then begin walking back towards the boss. On reaching Bahaar, they will explode in a large circular AoE, dealing heavy damage and knocking down (can be prevented using Kaia’s/Thrall of Protection shield). To avoid this, you need to ensure that the skeletons don’t reach the edge of the room. This can be done with two methods. The first is to Sleep the skeletons, which will stop them from moving. The skeletons spawn with a 60 second timer above their heads, and once this reaches 0 they will die. The alternative is to hit them with a Fireball, which will instantly kill any skeleton, even if it is empowered. The rate of skeleton spawns increases as the fight progresses. Tanks should be careful when enraging the boss as Skeletons can also be enraged and will move much faster and deal more damage while enraged.


Bahaar will say ‘Nothing left… but vengeance, justice, flame and blood.’, and a circle with an arrow will appear below all players. After several seconds, a Fireball will land on the circle (iframeable) and leave behind a puddle (see left). The Fireball will then roll in the direction of the arrow, so it is recommended to position such that the arrow points towards the edge of the arena to avoid hitting your party members. The Fireballs will also kill any skeletons that they roll through (see right).

Shrinking Arena

Over the course of the fight, the boss arena shrinks. First, on starting the fight, a small ring of fire appears at the edge of the room. Secondly, at 60% this ring will expand. Finally, at 30% the ring will again expand. Being in the ring of fire will deal 80k damage ticks over time. It will also apply a Volcanic Heat debuff that reduces your damage by 50% for 15 seconds and isn’t cleansable. As the arena shrinks, make sure to pay attention to Skeleton spawns as they have a shorter distance to travel to empower.


Below 30%, Bahaar will periodically mark a Dps (Warrior Tank still counts as a Dps) or Healer with the debuff shown (left), which will also appear as a glowing eye above the character model. After a short delay, there will be a crackling noise and he will then fire a pair of lasers from his throne which are not iframeble or blockable. Players marked with the debuff should move to the side of the boss, wait for both lasers to begin firing (the second laser is sometimes delayed), then move back to the boss as shown below. Note that this can occur even during the Wave attack, in which case the marked individual should suicide to avoid griefing your team.


During enrage, if Bahaar has the transformed Enrage buff, he will do the Meteor mechanic. This is the best time to burn the boss. This mechanic begins with Bahaar saying ‘Feel my Wrath!’ and doing a semi-circular Swipe either right (see right) or left (see left). This is not iframeable or blockable, but you can avoid being knocked back with Kaia’s or Thrall of Protection shield (recommended as there is very little time to react). 

He will then summon 4 sets of Meteors to land on players (below left). These are blockable, and it is recommended that your party groups together so that the Tank can block this for the party. Note that damage from Meteors bypasses shields, leaving them intact. When hit by a Meteor, it applies a stacking Melting Armour endurance debuff, which should be Cleansed between each set of Meteors. On landing, these leave Bombs that will explode after a short delay, dealing heavy damage. Hence the standard practice is to group at alternate sides of the boss for each set of Meteors as shown. 

After the fourth set, a 5 second buff will appear on the boss. This needs to be Plagued/Regressed. Once buff is removed, a new 12 second buff will appear on the boss and Bahaar needs to be Stunned when he raises his hand (bottom left) three times. Any attack that has a chance to stun will 100% stun during this mechanic. The third Stun will end the attack. Failure to stun properly will result in Bahaar wiping the party. Warrior Tank and Lancer can do the three stuns on their own, but Brawler does not have that many stuns, so party coordination (stun order!) is required. Make sure to avoid stunning while the boss is already stunned as this won’t count towards the required 3 stuns.