

Crit factor : 220 to 240. Adjust this this number as you deem fit and depending which healer you got. You can reach this crit factor however you want. And rest basically goes into power.

Glyphs: you should glyph skills that are high priority with speed, crit glyph and increase damage as well reduce cd if thats an option.

Skill Priorty :
Thunder bolt > Radiant Arrow > Arrow Volley > Incendiary Trap > Rain of Arrows > Rapid Arrows

The priority list is essentially your rotation. However, always use Windwalk before your skills , as it both increases your damage and cancels animation.

So your rotation looks like:
Windwalk- Thunderbolt ->Windwalk -> Radiant arrow -> Windwalk -> Arrow Volley ->Windwalk/Sequential Fire-> Incendiary Arrow so on.

Depending on your cooldowns , you might not have windwalk after every skill so use sequential fire to cancel recoil animation

GUST Arrow is your ultimate. I usually use it in my dragon procs (during the first burn) It doesn’t get any damage increase in Windsong or any cdr benefits so I line it up with my procs or wherever the situation seems right.

FIND WEAKNESS should be used on every thunderbolt if possible. Depending on your cd, it should be used on every. Full cdr Archer is able to use find weakness twice before your thunderbolt is up the second time.

Windsong Rotation :
Its the same as normal rotation but your cds come back faster so you won’t be using low priority skills much(or going down too deep into lesser priority such as rapid fire)

Stigma Set up:
1) 3 souls and 4 Attack or 4 Souls and 3 Attack. This is widely popular.
2) Full soul set up (Superior stigmas only)
If you can’t get double cdr and full superior , don’t bother with full soul.

Written by C-Tier (lights#0653)

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