
A General Guide for New Console Players

Author: Bernkastel Discord: Bernkastel#3928 Written On: January 17th, 2022

Last Updated: July 14th, 2022

About My Guide

Welcome to my guide! My character name is Bernkastel, and most players call me Bern.I started playing on November 19th, 2018, and have been around ever since.

After seeing new players ask the same questions for so long, I decided to finally make this guide in order to help.

I am not the most knowledgeable of players, but I am sure that the knowledge I have built and acquired throughout the time can be very useful.

This is not a complete guide, much less professional. I have written it so sentences are easier to read. My guide is imbued with my personality, and I want to keep it like this.

Do not expect to find the best writing. English is not my main language, and I often struggle to express myself correctly.

I do not intend to insult or mock anyone in any way with what I say here, and the language barrier is to blame if anything written in here proves harmful instead of helpful.

I accept suggestions about content that I could or should include in the guide (and I will dearly accept any kind of gratitude too ^.^).

Feel free to message me anything through discord (my tag is in the title page).

If you wish to contribute to the guide, feel free to write and send me any information.

After I approve it I will add it, and I will be sure to mention you among the guide’s contributors, and credit you for it.

Introduction For Starters

Tera is a game with a very nice combat system. Each class that you can choose has MANY skills.

Battles and combat in general are dynamic, fights with enemies happen fast, and because every class has so many different kinds of skills, the game has a lot of variety.

Each fight is different from the other in that sense. Things can go bad, good, or very good depending on how you use those skills, and that is what makes it fun.

The game might be a bit confusing at some points, so I am making this short guide to offer some information for new players.

The guide doesn’t include everything. There are a lot of things that I won’t be able to answer here, so never be afraid to ask around if you don’t know something.

If you haven’t checked this guide’s Table of Contents, I strongly recommend that you go up and do it before starting to read.

I don’t recommend starting players to read the whole thing. Things will start becoming very confusing, so read only the parts that you need at the moment.

From here on my guide starts so… uuuh… enjoy it and don’t criticize my writing too much.

Gear-Related Info (below level 65)

Below level 65, killing enemies gives you gear…

While you are playing under level 65, in order to gain access to dungeons and be able to win extra rewards through “Vanguard Requests”, you will often need to change your gear for more powerful gear pieces that you will be getting from higher level enemies.

The dungeons that you will be doing have each a character level requirement, but also an item level requirement.

Item level is a rough measure of the power of your gear. It is displayed on the top right corner of your screen when you go to your inventory, and in a few other places.

Be always sure to enchant your gear as much as you can, never forget about it, because it will increase your item level, and of course, make things easier for you.

You will need to have the adequate character level to gain access to a particular dungeon, but this doesn’t unlock the “Instance Matching” feature or the “Vanguard Rewards”.

To unlock “Instance Matching” (or IM for short) and “Vanguard Rewards” for a dungeon you will need to have the adequate item level for the dungeon.

Instance Matching And Vanguard Rewards

Instance Matching is a game feature that allows you to place your character in a waiting list for a specific dungeon until there are enough players to accompany you into a dungeon.

Sometimes you will have to wait a bit before the game finds you a dungeon, because Instance Matching depends on how many players are on the waiting list or queue.

Vanguard Rewards are a special reward system similar to completing a quest.

Vanguard Rewards activates every time you complete a dungeon, giving you some gold, materials, gear tokens and a lot of experience points, as long as you have the character level and item level requirements for it.

Be always sure to claim the vanguard reward for a dungeon before doing the dungeon again, because the rewards for a same dungeon don’t accumulate.

Endgame (after level 65)

I just reached level 65 and I can’t go up anymore. Now what? Well, congratulations, you have unlocked the true game.

All of that leveling up was to teach you the very, veeeery basics of the Tera, and to give you a chance to learn and practice some things on your own.

From here and on you will be making friends, getting powerful, and learning how everything works to become a true Tera player.

There is a lot to learn and many mistakes to make, but there will be just as many good moments and achievements to share with your friends.

Things get more complicated from now on, so I am making this guide to help new players to find their way around a lot more easily and explain things that others don’t want to.

Once again, this guide doesn’t include everything, so always ask around anything that you don’t know.

My explanations might not always work, so it is best if you can get things explained from different points of view instead of just one.

Please, pleasepleaseplease don’t read everything at the same time. It is a lot of information.

If you try to read it all and you’re a brand new player you will most likely get a headache, and when you do… don’t you dare blame me, or I’ll hunt you down and stab you with a carrot.

Gear-Related Info

Very long ago, until 3 years ago, you would collect gear from fighting in dungeons, then collect materials to craft even better gear and enchant it…

After every patch there would be a higher gear tier to craft, and once you crafted that gear you would discard your previous one since it’d slowly become obsolete.

NOWADAYS, when you reach lvl 65 you are given a permanent gear set that you will stay with and use to fight in your adventures.

The moment you reach level 65, a quest to get this permanent gear will become available.

As far as I remember, this quest is called “Fresh Arms and Legs”. You will not need to do much for this quest.

All you need to do is go to a city called Highwatch, in the Northern Arun continent.

Getting Help From Players

For this whole process of acquiring and setting up your new gear the game will not really help you much, and you will be lost.

No matter how tempted you are by the idea of saving time and doing things on your own, PLEASE CALL FOR HELP from other players.

If you think that you know what you’re doing… trust me, you don’t know.

When you are in Highwatch, simply call for help there, and someone will surely help you after some time.

For example: “Can anyone please help me with the level 65 gear? I am a Warrior.”

Most of the time that will be enough to get someone to assist you.

After sending the message, wait around 30 seconds, and if you don’t get an answer, send it again, since players come and go, getting busy with real life things, talking to other players, or doing other things.

Do not spam the message 10 times per second, because players will get mad and ignore you, but don’t type the message only once and give up if you don’t get help right then.

How To Get Your Gear

In Highwatch, find an NPC called Dougal, talk with him, and he will give you the gear you need:

  • A chest piece, gloves, and boots.
  • A weapon box.
  • An accessory set box.
  • PvE and PvP gear crystal sets.

You will have to open the weapon and accessory boxes in order to get your weapon and accessories, of course, which will both be in the Consumables tab in your inventory (the one that has the little potion icon).

Setting Up Gear, Crystals, And Glyphs

When you receive your gear, it will have the word “Enigmatic” in its name and question marks on its icon, which means that you need to identify it.

Identifying the gear is simply selecting and personalizing their attributes. If you think that you know what you’re doing… trust me, you don’t know.

I don’t think I can emphasize enough how important it is to get help from experienced players for this process, specifically players that play the same class as you.

Follow their instructions carefully, get in a voice chat if necessary, but make sure that everything you are doing is correct according to them.

Be patient, don’t rush them, ask as many questions as you need:

  • What jewelry should I use?
  • What crystals should I use?
  • What are etchings?
  • What are skill glyphs?
  • Which skill glyphs should I use?
  • What is a skill rotation?
  • Who can teach me the best skill rotation for my class?
  • Where do I get materials for my gear?
  • What dungeons are the best for me?
  • What guild should I join?
  • What is LFG? Is it better than Instance Matching?

There are many other questions not listed here that you can ask, so never be afraid to ask.

After you are done with this process, be sure to confirm that everything is correct with a few other players.

If you are in a guild, other players in the same guild will most likely be willing to help and spend more time assisting you, so be sure to join one.

Character Level

So lvl 65 is the max level, and yes, you will receive the gear as i explained above… level 70?

So far only PC has it, and no one knows until this point if it will come to console, so always confirm when you’re reading something from one of the wikis or from a forum that the information is for console.

Dungeon Entries And How To Get More

Each dungeon has its number of daily entries…

For level 65 dungeons it depends on the item level “required” for them…

The item level is a very basic and dummy way of telling how much progress you have made in enchanting your gear overall…

Going back to dungeons and item level…

Dungeons are classified according to their difficulty into different item level categories, so the harder the dungeon the higher the item level category it falls into (usually)…

So… entries…

If I remember correctly, dungeons BELOW 448, not including 448, have 2 entries by default, while 448s and above have 1 entry.

There are 2 ways to increase the number of times that you can enter a dungeon daily in 1 character.

The first way is to get ELITE STATUS…

It’s exactly as it sounds… Elite Status is a special privilege bought either with real money from the Tera Store, or with gold in the game through the trade broker… there are 2 kinds of elites:

  • Silver that adds +1 entry to every dungeon.
  • Gold, that adds +2 entries.

Adding entries works literally how it sounds…

If a dungeon has 2 entries by default and you get Elite Gold, it will add 2 more entries, so you will have 4, while if the dungeon has only 1 entry it will now have 3.

The second way to get more daily entries in 1 character is by resetting the entries with a reset scroll… There are 4 kinds of scrolls that are easy to get:

  • ALPHA that resets dungeons 417 and below (currently useless).
  • BETA that resets 431 and below (useless).
  • GAMMA for 439 and below.
  • DELTA for 448 and below.

That “and below” part… yes, if you reset the 448s, the 443s, 439s, etc… will also be reset, and since the scrolls don’t share cooldown.

If you want to run a ton of 439s you can use the default entries, then reset with a Gamma scroll, do the dungeons, and then reset with a Delta.

The scrolls reset the total number of entries, by the way, so if you have elite, and you can run a dungeon 2 times, then a scroll will enable you to run it 2 more times again.

There are also scrolls that work only for specific dungeons, and can only be bought in the Tera Store with real money.

Sadly you can’t buy those through the broker with gold from the game.

Related To Making Gold, Info For Beginners

Gear can’t be sold that easily, and usually, the gear that can be used by level 65 players and is being sold on the broker has already been enchanted to a very high level and is very expensive…

On another note, costumes can only be obtained from the Tera Store, so if you’re willing to spend some real money, then you can consider selling costumes as an option.

The current ways to make gold that will be accessible for you are:

  • Crafting materials and selling them on the trade broker.
  • Selling gems (rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds) to NPCs (not recommended, you can only sell them for a fixed price) and on the trade broker (you can sell them for higher here).

The trade broker is basically where players buy and sell stuff from each other…

Someone posts something, and it will remain posted until someone buys it, or until 7 days go by without anyone buying it (it will be returned to you via Parcel Post…

To post something it needs to be tradeable, and you can see if it is by reading its description…

There is a section with a bunch of red letters, which is basically the item restrictions…

Items that cannot be traded will have “Cannot trade” in red letters among the restrictions, but tradeable items won’t say anything, so the restriction simply won’t be there.

Back to crafting and gems…

The simplest way to make gold when you’re starting the game and you just reached level 65 is to sell the gems that you get from doing dungeons…

Gems have a fixed value, so if you sell them to NPCs you won’t be able to get more gold than what the value says:

  • Rubies are worth 100g.
  • Sapphires 200g.
  • Emeralds 1,000g.
  • Diamonds 10,000g…

However, if you post them on the trade broker for higher prices someone that needs them might buy them…

Don’t think that you can post a diamond for 50,000 though.

Other players are not dumb, and in fact, most will know a lot more about the game than you, so if you overprice things, you will just be losing gold from the posting fee…

Crafting on the other hand is a bit more complicated, but don’t get scared.

Crafting Related

First of all, you will need crafting recipes for your character to learn how to craft different stuff…

Please ask someone while you’re playing to take you to the place where the NPCs are selling the crafting recipes and other materials…

You WON’T be able to craft ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING when you start… You will need to level your crafting on that character…

There are different crafting categories:

  • Smelting
  • Processing
  • Alchemy
  • Etchings (don’t even bother with this one)
  • Cooking…

For starting players, the 2 best categories to choose are Smelting and Processing, and I personally recommend Smelting…

Smelting will allow you to use the Golden Talents that you get from dungeons and transform them into Golden Darics, or further transform the Darics into Golden Plates…

These materials are needed to enchant gear, and are always in high demand on the Trade Broker, however, you won’t be able to immediately craft them…

Gathering And Leveling Up Crafting

To level up your SMELTING, you will first need to start crafting Ingots, like Cobala Ingot using Cobala Ore, or Normetal Ingot using Normetal Ore…

You can get the ores in 2 different ways…

The first way is by gathering…

All over the Tera map you will be able to find either small rocks, plants or crystals that you can Gather…

In this case, you will be looking for the rocks… the rocks will have the name of the material that they will give you above: Cobala Ore, Shadmetal Ore, etc…

You will be mining A LOT of these rocks.

The second way to get your hands on these Ores is by buying them off the Trade Broker…

Yes, the trade broker is the center of the universe…

For your own good, try to buy the Ores that are cheapest…

You will need to craft a lot, so you better think well and save your gold…

To search for these ores on the trade broker, just go to the broker, press the search button, type Ore on the word box, and press search again.

After you have enough materials you will need your crafting recipe, so ask someone in the game to guide you to a crafting area, where there are NPCs that sell everything that you will need for crafting…

There you will buy the recipe(s) that you will need to craft what you want, and you will also buy CRAFT KITS…

These craft kits are a special “material” that you will need to craft basically anything, so you will be buying these throughout time by the thousands…

Craft Kits can only be bought with gold from NPCs around the crafting area…

don’t forget to go to your inventory and learn the recipe that you bought, or else you will be very confused later…

Once you have everything ready you will start crafting…

  1. Go to your Crafting interface.
  • Then go to the correct crafting category (SMELTING or whichever you chose)
  • Then search for the item that you want to craft by selecting the corresponding list…

I believe that the list where Ingots are is called just like that, “ingots”… it will seem like it takes forever, and it actually does, but that’s how it works…

Somewhere in the crafting interface, I think at the top, you will see that there’s a number: “0/800”.

It’s the crafting experience that you have in that category.

Each category has its own exp, and you will only be able to “master” one at a time.

The experience will be going up while you craft, and at a certain point, if I remember correctly 500/800, it will enable you to take a Test…

You will see the Test option somewhere in the interface and you will have to press a button to see what you need to do to pass the test…

It is most likely to craft more ingots and to craft “fish crates”. Sad news (unless you like fishing)… you will have to fish.

To craft the most basic fish crate you will need Cobala Ingots and you will need Fish Filets, obtained only by dismantling fish, they can’t be traded, so can’t buy them from the broker.

The good news is that there are some good fishing guide videos made by other players, so you will understand fishing better if you watch them.

Once you have the necessary filets you will be able to craft the crates and gain enough test points to be promoted to the Artisan level of smelting

When you get to this level you will be able to finally craft Golden Darics by using Golden Talents and Craft Kits…

Since the crafting recipe for Golden Darics is too expensive to buy from NPCs, you should check the Trade Broker, searching with keywords like “Recipe” and “Daric”…

Once you search for the recipe be sure to buy the cheapest one that has its name on BLUE LETTERS…

If you buy the green letter one YOU WILL REGRET IT months later when you realize more or less what’s happening around you in the game.

Production Points And Crafting

At some point you will run out of something called Production Points, which is basically your energy for gathering and crafting basically anything…

Different things that you can craft consume different amounts of Production Points, and there are 2 ways to recover these points…

The first way is by waiting…

You have a starting capacity of 4000 production points, and this capacity can be increased by mastering crafting categories on different characters…

When you spend production points they will slowly recover on their own throughout time, and it takes more or less 1.5 days for them to fully recover.

The other way of recovering Production Points is a lot faster… You can use a Crafter’s Cure or an Elinu’s Tear to recover points… There are 2 ways of obtaining them…

The first way is to dismantle materials that you get from dungeons, like Liquid Metal, Archdevan Catalyst, and other materials that are used for enchanting gear…

When you dismantle these materials you will get Metamorphic Emblems…

These emblems are a special currency, and by selecting them in your inventory you can access a shop that will let you buy all kinds of enchanting materials (not recommended to buy materials).

If you scroll down at the very bottom you will see that you can buy Elinu’s Tears and Aged Elinu’s Tears…

These tears are quite expensive, but if you really need them they are worth getting…

  • The regular Tears recover 1000 Production Points.
  • The Aged Tears recover 4000, and even though the Aged Tears are much more expensive than the regular ones, buying one Aged Tear will save you more emblems than buying 4 of the regular Tears.

The other way of obtaining Elinu’s Tears and Crafter’s Cures is through… yes, the Trade Broker… both Cures and Tears are tradeable.

Crafter’s Cure and Elinu’s Tear are exactly the same thing, and the equivalent for an Aged Elinu’s Tear is a Crafter’s Cure-All.

They are quite expensive gold-wise too, so buy them carefully.

Back To Getting Gold

Once you craft Golden Darics (and Golden Plates later when you level up your crafting), you will be able to post them on the Trade Broker so other players buy them from you…

The prices are based on the Laws of Demand and Offer, which apply to the game just as much as they work in real life…

In fact the whole broker is like this, and the prices of things will be constantly changing, but as you play you will learn more or less how things work and will be able to make better decisions, as long as you pay attention.

You might sometimes want to craft, or maybe sell gems and make gold, but don’t forget that these things sell on the trade broker because other people are using them to enchant…

If you don’t enchant your gear you will be stuck forever doing the basic dungeons and working to only make a tiny amount of gold…

That being said, never forget to enchant your gear when you have gold… be sure to never use ALL of your gold either, always try to have around 50,000 to 100,000…

That way you will be able to enchant AND buy the necessary materials to craft when you need to.

After you get your gear up and progress as a player, you will find other ways of making gold too.

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